Chief Justice MARTHA KOOME is a traitor, we didn’t know that she was serious about cutting deals with UHURU to drop 6 judges during the JSC interview

 Friday, June 11, 2021 – Renowned lawyer, Danstan Omari, is a very angry man. 

He is angry with Chief Justice Martha Koome for cutting deals with President Uhuru Kenyatta to omit the names of six judges who had been recommended for promotion by the Judicial Service Commission.

Speaking during an interview, Omari said he thought Koome was just joking when she told the JSC panel interviewing her for the CJ job that she would find a way to get the recommended judges appointed by way of a phone call to the president.

“Seeing the list of Judges that the president has come up with and appointed, it’s now clear that madam Koome actually meant it when she spoke about negotiating with the president.”

“Back then, I thought she was just saying it so that she could get a job from the Judicial Service Commission.”

Many have accused Koome of betraying her colleagues by cutting a deal with Uhuru to reject the six judges during the recent appointment.

She was also there during the swearing-in of the 34 judges at State House.

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