UHURU renews his attack on five Judges who stopped BBI reggae – The son of Jomo is obsessed with BBI


Friday, June 11, 2021 – President Uhuru Kenyatta has once again attacked a five-Judge Bench that declared the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI) bill unconstitutional in May.

In a historic ruling that caught the proponents of BBI in surprise, the bench led by Justices Joel Ngugi and George Odunga said it is wrong for the initiative to be led by President Uhuru Kenyatta since he is not an ordinary citizen.

But Uhuru appealed to the Court of Appeal and accused the judges of taking advantage of his political status as the Head of State to deny him his constitutional right as a citizen of the Republic of Kenya.

The Son of Jomo further accused the judges of making the rush decision to nullify the initiative, which has the support of 5 million Kenyans, without giving him a chance to be heard.

However, some Kenyans have urged the President not to appeal the ruling and start by respecting court orders which he has been ignoring since he became President in 2013.

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