DP RUTO says UHURU was wrong in refusing to appoint six Judges and tells him the right way to deal with the matter


Friday, June 25, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has said President Uhuru Kenyatta was wrong when he left out six judges when he elevated 34 judges to different courts in the Judiciary last month.

In an interview with KTN presenter, Sophia Wanuna on Thursday, Ruto said if he was president, he would have appointed all the 40 judges as recommended by Judicial Service Commission (JSC), and then if there are judges he had reservations with, he would have formed a tribunal to investigate their conduct.

“I would have appointed all of them if I was the head of state. And I think the people who are better versed in matters law and constitution are the former chief justices Willy Mutunga and David Maraga, and I have said clearly that the right thing that should have happened was for all judges to be appointed,” Ruto said.

“If there are integrity issues on any judge, then the normal process that involves a tribunal, and those judges being subjected to due process, should have been followed,” Ruto added.

At the same time, Ruto pointed out the importance of respecting court orders and observing the law.

“If we are to remain a sane, democratic country, we cannot afford not to respect court orders and the Constitution,” he said.

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