It is foolish to ignore court orders the way UHURU is doing – RUTO tells UHURU to stop misbehaving and appoint the six judges ASAP


Friday, June 25, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto has castigated President Uhuru Kenyatta over his unbecoming tendency of ignoring the Judiciary and the courts, saying he must be stopped or else the country is doomed.

Speaking during an interview yesterday, Ruto said Uhuru was visibly disrespecting the Constitution by his blatant disobedience of court orders and ignoring Judiciary.

Ruto argued that obeying the law was paramount despite the office one held. 

“If we are to remain a sane, democratic country, we cannot afford not to respect court orders and the Constitution,” the DP stated. 

This follows the standoff between the Executive and the Judiciary over the move by Uhuru to reject six judges despite the recommendation by the Judicial Service Commission.

According to Ruto, Uhuru should appoint the six judges ASAP to defuse further tension, something he said he would have done a long time ago had he been the president.

“I would have appointed all of them. I think the people who are better versed in matters of law and constitution – the former Chief Justices Willy Mutunga and David Maraga – have said clearly that the right thing that should have happened was for all judges to be appointed and subsequently.”

“If there are integrity issues on any judge, then the normal process that involves a tribunal, and those judges being subjected to due process, should have been followed,” Ruto took a swipe at Uhuru. 

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