DRAMA as AYIMBA’s evil sisters deploy police to prevent his baby mama and her sons from attending the burial – Blows were nearly exchanged (LOOK).


Friday, June 11, 2021 -There was drama during the burial of deceased rugby coach, Benjamin Ayimba, after his sisters barred his baby mama, Nyaboke Moraa, a former actress at Tahidi High, from attending the burial ceremony.

Ayimba had sired two kids with the actress.

 However, his sisters don’t see eye to eye with Moraa.

They have been treating her like an outcast and even insulting her kids.

Former Auntie Boss actress, Sandra Dacha, who is a close friend of Ayimba’s baby mama, revealed that police were brought by Ayimba’s sisters to prevent Moraa and her sons from getting in.

Sandra, who had accompanied Moraa to the burial to give her emotional support as a friend, spilled the beans concerning the ugly drama that ensued during the burial through her Instagram page.

You bring a whole police force from Siaya to come bar her from burying her baby daddy? Huyu msichana mmoja? Toxic sisters in law#RIPBenjaminAyimba,” she wrote.

Dacha further called out Ayimba’s sisters for denying Moraa’s kids a chance to bury their father and labelled them toxic sister-in-laws.

Dacha said that she doesn’t care how she was treated but humiliating innocent kids who just wanted to bury their father is just evil.

“Their only mistake was to come bury their father Benjamin Ayimba. The way they’ve been treated my God! 

“I don’t care how I have been treated but I care about how they treated these young superstars Sasa Mnabagua watoto na ni DAMU MOJA @nyabokemoraa Toxic sisters in law #RIPBenjaminAyimba,” she added.

Last month, Moraa went on a ranting spree and claimed her children had been labelled ‘chokoraas’ by one of Ayimba’s sisters.

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