Newly appointed Supreme Court Judge, WILLIAM OUKO, reads riot act to UHURU for refusing to appoint six judges – This man has balls of steel!!


Friday, June 11, 2021 – Newly appointed Supreme Court Judge, William Ouko, has started his first assignment by telling President Uhuru Kenyatta to appoint the six judges he left out when he elevated the 34 judges to different courts in the Judiciary last week.

Justice Ouko, who spoke on Friday during the swearing-in of the new president of Court of Appeal Justice Daniel Musinga, said the Head of State has to appoint the six judges if he wants his Big Four Agenda plan for Kenyans to succeed.

Justice Ouko said if the president will not appoint the six Judges, then the big four agendas will remain to be just mere aspirations and will never be achieved.

“It is only working together with all arms of government including the judiciary, that will enable the president to achieve his big four agendas,”

“It is not easy for the government to achieve its vision 2030 development aspirations in which the big four agendas are included, with thousands of pending court cases due to lack of enough Judges,” Ouko stated.

The six judges who were left out by the president include Justices Joel Ngugi, George Odunga, Weldon Korir, Aggrey Mchelule, Evans Makori Kiago, and Jennifer Omange.

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