Former UNCTAD boss, MUKHISA KITUYI, on the run as police launch manhunt for him for battering his side-chick in a lodge


Tuesday, June 15, 2021 – Former UNCTAD Secretary-General, Dr. Mukhisa Kituyi, is reportedly on the run as police launched a manhunt for assaulting his lover at a Mombasa hotel.

Confirming the incident, Mombasa County regional commander Paul Ndambuki yesterday stated that detectives were looking for Kituyi after he failed to appear before the DCI to record a statement.

“He seems to be elusive and the next course of action is to send detectives from where the complaint was lodged.”

“The sleuths will liaise with detectives in Nairobi or any other location where he will be found to enable us to record his statement and prefer relevant charges against him,” Ndambuki stated.

This follows police Inspector General Hillary Mutyambai’s earlier order directing the Coast police boss to launch a formal inquiry into the allegations fronted against Dr. Kituyi.

Hillary noted that there was contradictory information regarding the case of one stating that the case had been solved amicably and withdrawn.

While on the contrary, police insisted that the victim, Diana Opemi Lutta, was willing to proceed with the case.

Further information privy to the case indicates that Dr. Mukhisa had reached out to the woman to solve the case amicably and out of court.

The prosecution also stated that it had aligned several witnesses to testify, including two guards and the hotel staff.

“Detectives have already recorded statements of four other witnesses who saw what transpired,” Ndambuki pointed out.

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