Judges JOEL NGUGI and GEORGE ODUNGA now reveal what they will do to UHURU for refusing to promote them after stopping RAILA’s BBI reggae – You won’t believe this

 Tuesday, June 15, 2021 – Embattled High Court judge, Justice Joel Ngugi, has explained why he won’t sue President Uhuru Kenyatta for rejecting to appoint him to the Court of Appeal. 

Speaking yesterday, Ngugi stated that three cases were filed against Uhuru at the High Court in Nairobi challenging the president’s decision to reject six and appoint 34 judges, saying he will not add another suit.

The lawsuits were filed by lawyer Adrian Kamotho Njenga, the Katiba Institute, and Dr. Magere Gakenyi.

Asked if he was furnished with details of the report presented to Uhuru by investigative agencies, Ngugi stated that “For this question, you will have to ask the Head of State who left my lawfully forwarded name. 

“I have never been informed of any reservations or served with any complaints by any person, organization or state organ about my application or nomination by the JSC to the Court of Appeal,” Ngugi insisted. 

Justice George Odunga, who was also left out, stated that he hasn’t thought about suing Uhuru and has also not received details of the Intel gathered against him. 

Uhuru shocked the JSC after he refused to appoint Odunga, Ngugi, and the other four judges, Weldon Korir, Aggrey Muchelule, Evans Kiago, and Judith Omange. 

Efforts by his buddy, Raila Odinga, Chief Justice Martha Koome, and her predecessors David Maraga and Willy Mutunga to pressure Uhuru to give in and appoint the judges have borne no fruits as the president has maintained his stand, insisting the judges he left out were tainted.

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