MOSES KURIA may be hunted down by DCI – See how he mocked UHURU after he ‘abandoned’ Jubilee and ‘joined’ NASA

 Wednesday, June 16, 2021 – Gatundu South MP, Moses Kuria, may be arrested going by his latest social media posts castigating President Uhuru Kenyatta for ‘abandoning’ Jubilee Party and ‘joining’ moribund National Super Alliance (NASA).

 On Monday, Uhuru, who was meeting Kamba community leaders, hinted at abandoning Jubilee and supporting a NASA presidential candidate.

In a social media post on Wednesday, Kuria shared a cartoon showing a man who resembles President Uhuru Kenyatta wearing a Jubilee-party branded T-shirt that has been torn to reveal a NASA t-shirt worn inside.

On the sidelines of the cartoon are two men resembling former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and former Prime Minister Raila Odinga craving for the attention/endorsement of Uhuru.

Raila and Kalonzo are planning to revive NASA, a coalition that died after Uhuru and Raila’s handshake in 2018.

Here is what Moses Kuria shared on his social media page.

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