RUTO is doomed as CHEBUKATI moves to ensure 2022 election is not stolen – RAILA will finally have his way with servers

 Wednesday, June 16, 2021 – The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has begun plans to ensure the 2022 General Election is free, fair, and transparent.

Speaking yesterday during the launch of the IEBC Strategic Plan (2020-2024) at the Bomas of Kenya in Nairobi, IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati promised Kenyans that nobody will steal elections in Kenya under his watch ever again.

To achieve that, Chebukati said IEBC will acquire multiple servers that will be used to transmit election results to the tallying center during next year’s polls.

He opined that the multiple servers will provide access to the media, presidential candidates, and the public.

“To enhance transparency, accuracy, verification and promptness in election results management, the commission will deploy multiple servers and provide access to the media, presidential candidates and public portal.”

“This will put to rest the suspicions leveled against the Results Transmission System in the past,” Chebukati said.

He noted that he did not want what happened after the 2017 presidential election to happen once again.

The Court in 2017 nullified President Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory after IEBC failed to comply with a court order that required the commission to grant the petitioner, Raila Odinga, access to the servers to prove his case of rigged election.

But with the new development, Raila will access IEBC servers as he pleases, which spells doom for his worthy competitor William Ruto who was among the crew that allegedly stole Raila’s victory in 2017.

Last week, the National Treasury tripled the IEBC budget for the 2021/2022 financial year to Ksh 15 billion down from Ksh 4.6 billion allocated to the commission in the 2020/2021 fiscal year.

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