Overnight sensation as RUTO and RAILA battle to woo MARTHA KARUA as Mt. Kenya vote proves elusive – Everybody now wants a piece of her

 Tuesday, June 29, 2021 – NARC Kenya Party leader Martha Karua has suddenly become a sensation and darling of many ahead of the 2022 General Election.

So much so that presidential aspirants, among them, Deputy President William Ruto and ODM leader Raila Odinga, are fighting to get Karua’s attention.

On Monday, an ODM MP, who requested his name to be withheld, said Odinga’s advisers want Karua to join them despite her strong views on the entire BBI process.

“The biggest objection is Karua’s position on the BBI.”

“This has made Raila Odinga’s advisers hesitant if they believe she could add value to their camp considering she has no corruption record,” the MP said.

Similarly, Ruto and his UDA Party have been following Karua lately after she vehemently opposed the constitutional amendment through the BBI process.

Political analyst Mutahi Ngunyi recently claimed that Karua is the only politician who can stop William Ruto’s dominance in the vote-rich Mt. Kenya region.

“Maybe, there is only one ‘man’ in GEMA who can fix William Ruto… that man is Martha Karua. If Martha Karua runs as Raila Odinga’s Deputy, Ruto will p*** in his pants,” Ngunyi said.

Political analysts say Karua, who recently challenged President Uhuru and Ruto to resign if they failed to resolve their political differences, is a veteran politician with a high level of experience in Mount Kenya.

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