Trouble for RAILA as billionaire JIMMY WANJIGI vows to give him a run for his money for the ODM ticket – RUTO has an uphill task

 Tuesday, June 29, 2021 – Showdown looms in the ODM Party after businessman Jimmy Wanjigi tossed himself into the 2022 presidential race.

Wanjigi, who has been a big supporter of Raila Odinga and a financier of his campaigns, is now ready to take the bull by the horns.

Being a life member of the ODM Party, Wanjigi is not planning to defect but to fight with former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and others for the ODM ticket.

Armed with his KSh 1 Million, Jimmy Wanjigi is set to apply for the ODM presidential ticket where he will battle it out with Raila, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho, and his Kakamega counterpart, Wycliffe Oparanya.

Due to his financial muscle, Wanjigi could disrupt the 2022 presidential race if he beats Raila in ODM and will definitely give Deputy President William Ruto sleepless nights.

Raila is still playing cagey with 2022 and is yet to openly declare his intention to contest for the top seat.

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