Is Lawyer PAUL GICHERU and JOSHUA SANG planning to be ICC witnesses against RUTO? MUTHAHI NGUNYI drops a bombshell

 Wednesday, July 28, 2021 – Deputy President William Ruto is now a worried man following the possibility of reopening his ICC case after his Lawyer Paul Gicheru was found guilty of intimidating witnesses to recant their testimonies against the DP.

According to renowned political scientist Mutahi Ngunyi, Ruto is toast. He predicted how the cases at the ICC will play out with lawyer Paul Gicheru turning against Deputy President William Ruto and testifying against him.

Ngunyi noted that Gicheru will most likely make a plea bargain with the ICC prosecutor to be the witness against Ruto.

He added that radio journalist Joshua Sang will follow suit in the plea bargain if ‘he will not have been killed by then.'

Ngunyi opined that the turn of events could leave DP Ruto high and dry but added that he could be wrong on both accounts.

“Paul Gicheru? You cannot BUY a Kikuyu. You can only RENT one. This man will do a PLEA BARGAIN and become ICC witness against RUTO. 

“Sang the RADIO MAN will do the same if he is not killed before then. And on both accounts, I could be WRONG. Or Am I?” Ngunyi wrote.

Experts opine that Ruto is not off the hook yet as Gicheru’s case could rope him in.

The evidence against Gicheru claims that the accused was answerable to Ruto and his other aides who offered money and threats to critical witnesses.

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