KALONZO, MUDAVADI, WETANGULA, and RUTO smiling all the way to the bank as RAILA shares details of how much he will give each to shut them up


Wednesday, July 28, 2021 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has shared details of how much each of the NASA principals will receive from the Sh487 million he was given by the Political Parties Fund which has been a subject of heated debate.

Raila agreed to share the money with his NASA partners to keep them quiet and to prevent them from leaving NASA which may be too little too late as already former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper and Musalia Mudavadi’s ANC have pulled out of NASA.

Isaac Ruto-led Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) abandoned NASA a long time ago to join Deputy President William Ruto’s camp. Only Moses Wetangula’s Ford Kenya is yet to officially pull out.

According to Raila, ODM will take the lion’s share of Sh334.563 million and the remaining Sh153 million will be shared among the four remaining NASA affiliate parties.

Kalonzo’s Wiper will receive Ksh70.4 million of the funds, Mudavadi’s ANC will get Sh43.8 million while Wetangula’s Ford Kenya will receive Sh36.04 million.

Isaac Ruto’s Chama Cha Mashinani (CCM) will receive the smallest share of the funds. The party will receive Ksh3.08 million of the money.

ODM shared the money based on the amount of money it accrued between the years 2017 and 2020, where the party received Ksh487 million.

Raila had initially refused to share the money with his NASA co-principals despite efforts by the co-principals to demand a share of the money.

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