ROBERT ALAI reveals how UHURU is fattening RAILA ODINGA for ‘slaughter’ in 2022 using BBI – BABA should drop this ‘snake’

 Friday, August 27, 2021 – Revered blogger and social media analyst, Robert Alai, has advised former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to abandon the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), saying the document is a state-sponsored project to finish him politically.

In a series of tweets on Thursday after the BBI secretariat vowed to move to the Supreme Court to appeal the BBI ruling, Alai said Raila Odinga, who is also the Orange Democratic Movement(ODM) Party Leader, should delink himself with the document since its aim is to weaken him politically ahead of the 2022 presidential election.

Alai said from previous by-elections held in the country, it is clear that the state is planning for Raila Odinga’s downfall and is secretly campaigning for Deputy President William Ruto, who is using United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party to vie for the presidency in 2022.

Every attempt by ODM to grow in Coast, NE and Western Kenya has been fought by state agents. 

“Msambweni and Matungu were destroyed by the state. Kiambaa and Juja were handed over to UDA. 

“ODM MUST drop BBI and get to campaign for Raila,” Alai wrote on his Twitter page.

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