See how IG MUTYAMBAI ignored RUTO’s desperate phone calls yesterday after withdrawing his security – Things are not looking good for the DP

 Friday, August 27, 2021 – As Kenyans continue to come to terms with the spectacular withdrawal of the elite General Service Unit squad who were guarding Deputy President William Ruto and their subsequent replacement with the ordinary Administration Police, details have emerged on how the DP tried desperately to reach out to the Inspector General Hillary Mutyambai to seek answers in vain.

According to the self-declared spokesman for the Hustler Nation Dennis Itumbi, Mutyambai ignored Ruto’s calls and never even called back.

Taking to his Twitter, Itumbi revealed how Ruto was so frustrated by the withdrawal of his security detail. 

And to make the matters worse, IG Mutyambai ignored him when he called to seek answers on what was happening to his security.

“If the changes were part of Normal security redeployment, as the PUPPET @IG_NPS wants us to believe, why did he decline DP @WilliamsRuto calls earlier today. 

“Three Calls. & Did NOT bother to call back. Ukora tu!” Itumbi wrote on Twitter.

The change of police guarding the DP’s residence caught William Ruto unawares as he was hosting a delegation from Mount Kenya at his home.

When what was happening was made clear to him, he tried to reach the Inspector General of the police and get a statement from him, but this was in vain. 

The IG reportedly ignored all his calls.

Inspector-General of Police Hilary Mutyambai defended the withdrawal of General Service Unit (GSU) officers from the residences of Deputy President William Ruto, terming it “normal re-assignment.”

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