Here are the names of 8 hustlers who have been arrested for stoning Chief Hustler RUTO in Busia over the weekend forcing him to scamper for safety

 Monday, October 25, 2021 – Police officers in Busia have arrested eight suspects in connection to the chaos that broke up during a visit by Deputy President William Ruto in the town on Saturday, where he preached about the Hustler Narrative and the bottom-up economic model.

The eight were part of a rowdy group that stoned and blocked motorists at Korinda area and indiscriminately pelted stones at motorists, resulting in injuries and destruction to property during the tour by the DP.

Fredrick Okoth, Reuben Barasa, Moses Oridi, Friday Ouma, Michael Omondi Alwando, George Odongo, David Ouma, and Wejuli Shalmin were arrested in connection with the offences.

The eight are expected to be arraigned in court to answer to charges of malicious damage to properties, incitement to violence, creating disturbance among others.

The National Police Service has urged the public to shun acts of violence as the electioneering phase nears.

“We shall take firm and decisive action against those involved in acts of election-related criminality, irrespective of their age and standing in society,” the police said.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiangi condemned the act, saying the government will adopt zero tolerance on anyone disrupting political gatherings because political leaders and aspirants are free to move anywhere in the country.

Several vehicles were destroyed on Saturday as a section of youth protested against Ruto’s tour of Busia Town.

Ruto is reported to have detoured to Korinda junction on the Kisumu/Busia highway when he was met by rowdy youth, who barricaded the road, lit a bonfire, and pelted his convoy with stones.

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