ODM members ask JUNET MOHAMED to resign from the party for saying Kikuyus will be treated as visitors in RAILA ODINGA’s government

 Monday, October 25, 2021 – A section of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party members has asked Suna East MP, Junet Mohamed, to resign from the party over his tribal statement against members of the Kikuyu community.

 Junet, who is ODM’s Director of Election, on Friday, said members of the Kikuyu community will be treated as visitors when Raila Odinga forms the government in 2022.

Speaking on Monday, ODM members led by National Executive Council, Steve Mbogo, called on Junet to resign over his utterance, urging the ODM party leadership to take legal action against the legislator.

“Let me tell you, Junet Mohammed, we demand your resignation because people like us work to sell the agenda of the ODM,” the former ODM aspirant for Starehe Constituency demanded.

His sentiments were echoed by Embu County ODM chairman, Moses Wamuuru, who said the Orange party was stable and the people who are painting the party in a bad light should resign.

He asked Junet to apologise and resign because ODM does not stand for the sentiments he expressed.

“We are giving notice to Honorable Junet Mohammed to apologise to Kenyans. 

“We are not responsible for his utterances and he should know we are ready for host swindlers,” Wamuuru said.

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