ODM comes to the rescue of JUNET MOHAMED who is being castigated over his tribal gaffe against Kikuyus – Is RAILA supporting his statement?

 Monday, October 25, 2021 – The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party has reacted to a statement made by Suna East MP, Junet Mohamed, who said members of the Kikuyu community will be treated as visitors in Raila Odinga’s government.

Junet, who commented last Friday during the Azimio La Umoja meeting in Nyamira County, said the Raila Odinga government will be made by a people from Nyanza and Central People will be treated as visitors.

Many Kenyans have castigated the MP over his statement but the ODM party has defended him.

Speaking when he appeared on a local TV station earlier today, Opiyo Wandayi, who doubles up as the ODM secretary of political affairs, defended Junet, stating the remarks were not held by the party’s leadership.

“Before you blow out of proportion the remarks of Junet, you must understand the context in which he was speaking.

“I was not present at the meeting but I think as somebody who knows the honorable Junet, I think he was just making it as a joke.”

“More importantly we all know that Junet doesn’t speak for ODM. Junet Mohamed is not ODM’s spokesperson or Raila’s spokesperson. The jokes he was making were his personal jokes,” Wandayi stated.

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