Come out! VIDEO of SIZE 8 casting out demons after being ordained sparks reactions – She is cashing in on gullible congregants (WATCH).

 Monday, 25 April 2022 – A video of gospel singer Linet Munyali alias Size 8 casting out demons in church has sparked reactions among Netizens.

The video that went viral showed the singer commanding the stubborn demons to get out while flanked by ushers, whose work was to keep the demon-possessed congregation under control.

“Come out in the name of Jesus. Leave now,” the singer turned pastor could he heard commanding the demons.

This video triggered reactions, with some on her side and others giving mean comments.

“Some of the reasons why I quit church. It’s a business,” one of the social media users who thought Size 8 was pulling stunts commented.

“Holy Spirit has no timeliness. When the spirit of the Lord rests upon someone, he or she is turned into another man, “another user sided with Size 8.

The singer was ordained as a pastor not long time ago.

She preaches at Jubilee Christian Centre (JCC) in Thika.

Watch the viral video.

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