RAILA arusha mawe kwa polisi as he invades RUTO’s ‘bedroom’ – Look! Hii ni uchokozi wa Saa sita mchana!


Monday, April 25, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga is leaving nothing to chance as far as boosting his numbers in Parliament is concerned even if it means stepping on the lion’s tail.

With only 106 days left to the big battle with Deputy President William Ruto, Raila has invaded the DP’s bedroom of Uasin Gishu County.

The Azimio la Umoja presidential candidate is eyeing at least eight elective seats, including an MP seat in Deputy President William Ruto’s Uasin Gishu County.

Despite being one of the counties considered DP Ruto’s UDA strongholds, the Azimio team has stepped up its efforts to penetrate into the rich agricultural county and turn the tables against the UDA party wave.

In Turbo, William Ruto’s home constituency, ODM will be taking the wars to the DP’s doorsteps by fielding Samson Kimani, alias Samkiz, as its candidate for the MP seat.

Kimani, who has already hit the ground running, is expected to be handed ODM’s ticket and pave way for a battle with the incumbent MP Janet Sitienei who will be defending her seat on UDA party ticket.

Among the Ward Representative Seats that the Raila-led coalition has shown interest in clinching includes Langas and Huruma wards. The incumbent MCAs from the two wards were elected on Jubilee party tickets in 2017.

Azimio will also be looking forward to defending its seat in Kiplombe Ward. Ramadhan Ali will be banking on ODM ticket to defend a seat he won in 2017 through Raila’s party.

Other wards in Uasin Gishu where Azimio team will be fielding candidates include Kapsoya Ward, Kapsaos, Moi’s Bridge Olare/Aibankoi Wards.

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