CHEBUKATI now comes clean on the alleged missing of 3000 KIEMS Kits 4 days to the August 9th General Election – You won’t believe what he said!


Friday, August 5, 2022 – Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has clarified concerns by the Kenya Kwanza and Azimio coalitions regarding the alleged missing of 3000 KIEMS kits.

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Deputy President William Ruto’s teams had met with IEBC last week and expressed their concerns about the alleged missing of the KIEMS kits.

IEBC has, however, denied that kits are missing.

In a statement, IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati said the electronic gadgets in question are BVR kits which are used for voter registration.

“This report is false and misleading. The Auditor General’s report made reference to BVR kits and not KIEMS kits. BVR kits are used for voter registration and not voting. The Commission procured 15,000 BVR kits in 2012 that have technically reached the end of life,” Chebukati said. 

He added that in the event a single KIEMS kit is lost, the Commission is able to block it from public use. 

“The Commission keeps an inventory of all its kits and in the event of any loss, the kit will be blocked from doing any transaction on the system,” he noted.

The clarification comes 4 days before the August polls.

The IEBC will be relying on the KIEMS kits to be able to electronically verify voters before they are allowed to vote. 

The same kits will be used to transmit election results where pictures of 34A will be taken and transmitted to the national tallying centre for consideration.

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