RUTO gives KPLC CEO GEOFREY MULI the final marching orders ahead of the Tuesday presidential contest – Look!


Friday, August 5, 2022 – Deputy President William Ruto has sent a strong message to the Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) CEO over the blackouts experienced during the presidential debate on July 26.

Speaking during a press briefing yesterday from his official Karen residence, Ruto asked the KPLC CEO Geoffrey Wasua Muli to exercise the responsibility of his office according to the law.

Ruto claimed that Kenyans did not want to experience power outages in the upcoming General Elections.

The DP also put on the spot the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) CEO Ezra Chiloba.

“I want to ask the CEO of Kenya Power, Mr. Muli, and the CEO of the Communications Authority of Kenya Mr. Chiloba to exercise the responsibilities of their offices per the law. 

“Kenyans do not want to see what happened during the presidential debate where huge sections of Kenya were subjected to a blackout,” Ruto stated.

The DP further stated that there must be no scheme to switch off electricity during the polls, alleging that Kenyans did want to vote in dark corners.

“We want them to run a free and fair election. There must be no scheme to switch off electricity anywhere in Kenya. Kenyans don’t want to vote in dark corners,” Ruto added.

He maintained that it is against the law for power to be switched off and is an act of sabotage that undermines the will of Kenyans.

The DP noted that it was the right of Kenyans to know what is happening and therefore the internet and power should not be switched off.

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