Heart-breaking video of how a local pastor and his family were attacked by goons along Juja Road after Presidential results were announced – His wife died on the spot.

 Tuesday, 23 August 2022 – A local pastor is mourning after his wife died on the spot along Juja Road after being accosted by goons shortly after IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati announced the Presidential results.

The man of God identified as Pastor Andrew Nyambane is said to have picked up his wife Eunice at St Theresa School, near Eastleigh, on Juja Road since public service vehicles were not available.

He was in the company of their son.

On their way home, they were accosted by rowdy youth who had blocked the road with huge stones chanting anti-Ruto slogans.

Sensing danger, Pastor Nyambane floored the pedal to evade the charging mob and made it through.

Unfortunately, a young man who was part of the goons dashed to the road to stop him.

He had to swerve at high speed to avoid him.

He lost control of the vehicle and hit an electricity pole, leading to a fatal crash that claimed the life of his wife.

The rowdy youth continued charging at the car before police arrived and saved their lives.

Nyambane and his son survived with serious injuries and are currently admitted to the Aga Khan Hospital High Dependency Unit.

Below is a video showing how they were accosted by the goons.

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