Shock as it emerges that IEBC chased away RAILA ODINGA’s agents in Mt. Kenya and Western – KIONI spills the beans.


Tuesday, August 23, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s agents were chased away by the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) on the voting day.

This was revealed by Jubilee Party Secretary General, Jeremiah Kioni, who blamed the Wafula Chebukati-led commission for the absence of Azimio agents in polling stations, which led to massive rigging of the election in favor of President-elect William Ruto.

Speaking during an interview, Kioni claimed that IEBC officials blocked Azimio agents from accessing polling stations because their appointment letters lacked stamps.

He added that the issue affected many of their agents in Mt Kenya and Western.

“Azimio agents were not allowed to enter the polling stations at the required time. The excuse they were being given was that their appointment letters did not have a stamp.”

“When I personally visited a polling station, I asked why they were requiring the agents to have stamps yet candidates were not required to have stamps,” Kioni stated.

Further, the SG claimed that the plan was orchestrated in advance as part of the rigging scheme by their opponents.

“Even if we fail to raise this matter now, people should know that things are not okay. Many will be shocked by what we have witnessed in this election.

“We never imagined that IEBC would aid in the plot as they did,” Kioni claimed.

He maintained that Ruto rigged the August 9th polls. Azimio had gathered enough evidence to prove just that.

Insiders within the Raila Odinga-led faction have blamed the failure to deploy enough agents to the polling station as one of the major causes of their loss. 

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