IEBC chair WAFULA CHEBUKATI says Supreme Court has vindicated him and embarrassed RAILA ODINGA and Azimio apologists.


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 – Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) chairman, Wafula Chebukati, has now said he will sleep in peace after the Supreme Court upheld President-Elect William Ruto’s victory during the August 9th election.

Two weeks ago, Azimio One Kenya Alliance presidential candidate Raila Odinga, moved to the Supreme Court and accused Chebukati and rogue IEBC officials of bungling the election in favor of Ruto.

However, the Supreme Court on Monday upheld Ruto’s win and stated that IEBC conducted a free, fair, and verifiable election.

In a press conference after the apex court validated Ruto’s win, Chebukati said the Supreme Court has vindicated him.

“The IEBC is finally vindicated. We look forward to the full judgment of the Supreme Court as well as feedback from our stakeholders during the post-election evaluation exercise which will inform areas of improvement in the electoral process,” Chebukati stated.

The chairman said the commission officials endured intimidation, torture, and even death in the line of duty.

“Abuse of IEBC staff reached unimaginable heights. Apart from the two deaths, there was unwarranted arrest, abduction, and torturing by people,” he said.

The IEBC boss also cited incidents such as breaking into offices of senior staff, ethnic profiling, and cyberbullying as some of the things his team went through while carrying out their mandate.

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