JOE BIDEN congratulates WILLIAM RUTO after the Supreme Court upheld his victory – UHURU is still in denial!


Tuesday, September 6, 2022 – The United States government has congratulated President-Elect William Ruto after the Supreme Court upheld his victory.

 In a statement issued Monday by United States Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, the Joe Biden administration said it looks forward to enhancing ties with Kenya under Ruto’s administration.

“The United States congratulates William Ruto on his election as president of Kenya, as confirmed by the Supreme Court on September 5. We also congratulate the people of Kenya on the conclusion of a peaceful electoral process,” reads the statement issued by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

“The United States and Kenya share a strong and longstanding partnership based on a commitment to democracy, security, and economic prosperity. We look forward to enhancing this partnership with President Ruto and his new government.”

Also, the US government congratulated former Prime Minister Raila Odinga for committing to abide by the Supreme Court verdict.

“We commend Raila Odinga and other candidates for abiding by the Supreme Court ruling. Transparent electoral processes and the peaceful adjudication of disputes are testaments to the strength of democratic institutions,” reads part of the statement.

The Supreme Court, in a ruling that shocked many, stated that Ruto was duly elected during the August 9th Presidential election.

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