Big blow to RAILA ODINGA as 25 MCAs from KISUMU dump ODM and call him a dictator.


Sunday, October 16, 2022 – Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party leader, Raila Odinga, has suffered a big blow after 25 MCAs from the Kisumu County Assembly dumped the Orange party.

The 25 MCAs led by Central Nyakach MCA Honourable Ongou said they have abandoned ODM and joined the Roots Party led by Prof George Luchiri Wajackoyah.

The MCAs also declined to attend a meeting convened by Raila Odinga at the Swiss Hotel in Kisumu and accused Jakom of dictatorship.

The MCAs accused Raila Odinga of forcing them to elect his man during the just concluded election of Kisumu County Assembly Speaker.

Raila urged all MCAs from Kisumu County that they must elect Elisha Oraro as speaker of the assembly if they want to retain their seats in 2022 and be considered loyal ODM members.

Prof Wanjackoyah received the 25 MCAs and said he is ready to work with them to ensure democracy is nurtured inside and outside the Kisumu county assembly.

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