Get ready to reclaim what RUTO stole from us in August – RAILA ODINGA tells his supporters.


Sunday, October 16, 2022 – Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has said he will reclaim his victory, which he alleged was stolen from him during the August 9th Presidential election.

While attending a funeral service of the mother of Bondo parliamentary aspirant Andiwo Mwai in Nyamira village, on Saturday, Raila blamed the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), accusing it of colluding with foreigners to steal votes, thus, denying Kenyans a chance to elect leaders of their choice.

The ODM leader, while thanking his supporters for turning out and voting for him in large numbers, assured them that all is not lost and he will lay strategies to ensure there is electoral justice.

“I first want to thank you very much for voting for me as expected. We know what happened and no one should lie to you that there was low voter turnout out in my strongholds,” Raila said.

Without disclosing the details of how he intends to reclaim his victory, Mr. Odinga called on his supporters to be ready as he concludes the marshall plan.

“We know what happened but we will talk about it in the coming days,”

“Are you ready for us to chase the thieves who have stolen our cows and driven them to the other side of the village? We must return our cows home,” Raila said.

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