University don reveals why RUTO wants CHERERA four out of IEBC completely – RAILA ODINGA should be very careful in 2027!

 Monday, December 12, 2022 – An outspoken University don has revealed why President William Ruto is fighting tooth and nail to ensure the four Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Commissioners who rejected the outcome of the August 9th presidential election are axed from the commission.

The four, led by IEBC vice chairperson Juliana Cherera, Irene Masit, Justus Nyang’aya, and Francis Wanderi, are facing a tribunal formed by President Ruto and it is a matter of time before they are jobless.

So far three have resigned except Irene Masit.

In an interview with one of the local dailies, Multi Media University don, Prof Gitile Naituli, said Ruto wants the four commissioners out because he is preparing for his re-election in 2027.

“IEBC has become a graveyard of careers because the stakes are too high in that organisation and this depicts the problem with all government appointments which are done based on loyalty and not merit and competence as required by Article 232 of the Constitution,” Prof Gitile said.

Gitile’s sentiments were echoed by political analyst Dismas Mokua, who says that Ruto is not taking any chances that might see him fail to secure reelection in 2027.

“Kenyan presidential elections are high octane. A number of presidential candidates who have massive political capital don’t entertain the probability of losing the election. When they lose the elections they cry foul and use their political capital to push out IEBC commissioners,” Mokua said.

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