Was President WILLIAM RUTO wearing a bulletproof vest during the 59th Jamhuri Celebrations at Nyayo Stadium? – LOOK!


Monday, December 12, 2022 – President William Ruto is a man living in fear going by how he was dressed during the 59th Jamhuri Day Celebrations at Nyayo Stadium.

According to Kileleshwa Ward MCA, Robert Alai, Ruto, who is the most guarded man in Kenya wore a bulletproof vest, meaning he fears that he might be assassinated.

“Why is the President wearing a bulletproof vest? Why? Something we don’t know?,” Alai asked on his Twitter page on Monday.

Many observers believe Ruto is not even trusting of the security around him and he believes that at any given time there could be an attempt on his life.

Former President Uhuru Kenyatta was rarely seen with a bulletproof Jacket while late former President Mwai Kibaki never knew what a bulletproof Jacket looked like.

In fact, when he was once told to wear one, Kibaki in response said “Who can attempt to kill me? I have no enemies”

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