Shock as it emerges that CAK Chairperson MARY WAMBUI has allegedly awarded herself a multi-billion tender to lay fiber optic cables in the country – UHURU warned Kenyans!

Monday, June 19, 2023 
– Fresh details
have emerged over how Communication Authority of Kenya(CAK) chairperson Mary Wambui has awarded herself a multi-billion tender to lay fiber optic.

President William Ruto appointed Wambui as CAK chairperson in February and within six months, Wambui, who former president Uhuru Kenyatta flagged for engaging in crimes of money laundering, has awarded her company Nightingale Enterprises a multi-billion tender to lay the fiber optic cables.

The contract is a critical part of President William Ruto’s campaign promise to create a digital superhighway through which several economic sectors will open more employment opportunities and avail government services at the click of a button.

Wambui awarding her company the multi-billion tender is questionable since it was single-sourced and an issue of conflict of interest may arise since she owns the briefcase company.

We hope a patriotic Kenyan will move to court and block these hyenas in CAK from looting taxpayers’ money.

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