Uproar as CS MOSES KURIA threatens Nation Media Group with consequences for exposing mega corruption scandals in RUTO’s government – Look!

Monday, June 19, 2023
 – Trade Cabinet
Secretary Moses Kuria has threatened to do the unthinkable to Nation Media Group (NMG) for exposing mega corruption scandals in President William Ruto’s government.

Speaking during the Akorino Annual Convention held in Embu County, the visibly angry Kuria publicly asked the media house to declare a stand and clarify whether it was fulfilling its role as a watchdog role or aligning itself with Raila Odinga’s Azimio.

Kuria explicitly threatened to cut government advertising assigned to NMG.

He sternly warned all government officials that promoting advertisements on NMG platforms would not be tolerated, effective from Sunday, June 18.

He emphasized that any official who failed to comply with this directive would face immediate dismissal.

“You need to decide if you are a newspaper, broadcasting house, a media station, or an Opposition party,” he charged.

“I have stated that starting tomorrow if I see any government agency placing adverts in Nation Media, the person responsible will be fired,” he added. 

Nation Media Group, prior to Kuria’s confrontation, aired an investigative piece that exposed the misappropriation of over Ksh6 billion in an oil scandal allegedly orchestrated by CS Kuria and Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi, among other mega scandals in Ruto’s government.

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