Governor ANYANG’ NYONG’O now threatens RUTO over the bipartisan talks – Look! Did RAILA put him up to this?

 Friday, September 22, 2023 – The delay in the bipartisan talks is now a cause of concern to Azimio leaders, especially Kisumu Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o.

This is after he threatened President William Ruto with dire consequences, saying the Kenya Kwanza administration risks squandering a chance to bring the country together if the bipartisan talks fail.

In a statement, Nyong’o asked Ruto to demonstrate leadership and seize the opportunity to achieve what none of his predecessors have managed to do, which is achieve sustainable long-term national unity.

According to Nyong’o, the country is at crossroads, and the situation is being complicated by members of the Kenya Kwanza bipartisan committee who have maintained hardline stances.

“We are aware that the talks have been facing some challenges ostensibly on the constitution of the Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission among other issues, but remain focused on the intent and content of the dialogue.”

“We have come a long way as a country from the dark moments of our history and must as a people, continue to struggle unwaveringly against all forces of obscurantism,” the statement read in parts.

Nyong’o reminded leaders from both sides that time is running out and that the faster they conclude these talks, the better it will be for the country.

“Let us tone down hardliner attitudes and embrace dialogue. That we must stay together because when we divert our focus, we will never succeed and come out of the quagmire we are in as a country.

“We should never allow selfishness, egotistic, and chauvinistic ways replace the cause we have believed in for so long,” Nyong’o warned leaders.

Further, the Kisumu Governor explained that it is only the bipartisan talks that will get the country out of the current political stalemate.

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