A lavish restaurant in the city under fire for having a domestic worker sit on the floor as her employers dined with their kids (PHOTO).

 Friday, September 22, 2023 – Zen Garden, a lavish restaurant at Lower Kabete Road, has come under fire on social media after a patron alleged that a family dining at the establishment had their domestic worker sit on the floor during their meal.

The incident has sparked outrage, with many condemning the restaurant for allowing such mistreatment to occur within its premises.

This controversy began when an X user, known as “@KuntaKitten
, posted a picture and a detailed account of the incident on their social media account.

The post, which has since been deleted due to alleged harassment against the user, raised concerns about the treatment of domestic workers and the responsibility of businesses like Zen Garden to ensure fair and respectful treatment for all patrons.

In the original post, “@KuntaKitten” invoked a quote by Malcolm S. Forbes, stating, “You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”

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