Stop wasting our time! KABANDO WA KABANDO now tells RAILA and KALONZO as a revolution against RUTO looms.


Friday, September 22, 2023 – Former Mukurweini Member of Parliament Kabando Wa Kabando has broken ranks with Azimio Leader Raila Odinga and Wiper Leader Kalonzo Musyoka over the ongoing bipartisan talks with President William Ruto.

In a heavily-worded letter, Kabando urged Raila and Kalonzo to reconsider their position on the ongoing bi-partisan talks with the government which is hell-bent on making the lives of Kenyans a living hell, especially after increasing the prices of fuel.

He termed the talks as a waste of time and a conspiracy to hide a political deal. 

Kabando questioned why the committee was seeking funding from the National Assembly.

“Bomas talks are a waste of time, a conspiracy for a covert political settlement. Spare suffering Kenyans this chicanery. How can you ask a Parliament controlled by Ruto for taxpayers’ cash to fund it?” Kabando posed.

He went on to tell the two opposition leaders that denials of losing the 2022 General Election to President William Ruto will not help them, urging them to reject the bipartisan talks. 

“Denials of defeat by Ruto won’t aid now. He is the President, as inept, deceptive, imperialist-proxied, graft-marshalled as he is. Tragic to be enticed by his cunning. Let’s oppose,” he added.

Kabando claimed that the opposition is short-changing Kenyans by the dialogue committee requesting funding from parliament. 

“It’s now evident that Azimio is short-changing Kenyans. You can’t say Ruto is illegitimate yet doing business with him Hydra-style. How do you ask Bunge to skim coins from already overtaxed citizens to go fund millionaires assembled at Bomas for pep-talk? Ruto has shown disdain,” he stated. 

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