Trade CS MOSES KURIA ‘demoted’ as he is kicked out of his office just after admonishing GACHAGUA – He messed with the wrong guy.


Friday, September 22, 2023 – Trade CS Moses Kuria may have messed with the wrong person by picking a fight with Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua.

This is after he was kicked out of his prestigious offices at Two Rivers and moved back to the NSSF Building in what many view as a demotion.

The government directed the Ministry of Trade to move its offices from Two Rivers Mall back to the 17th floor of the NSSF building as the duel between Kuria and Gachagua threatens to split the ruling coalition. 

An insider confirmed that the offices are being relocated back to the building owned by the State pension fund, claiming that the government is moving to trim its expenses in line with recent austerity directives. 

A separate source, however, claimed that the directive was meant to clip the wings of the outspoken CS who recently received a tongue-lashing from Gachagua over his remarks on the cost of living and rising fuel prices.  

Kuria is known to speak his mind and in the past, he has made controversial statements that rubbed a section of Kenyans the wrong way. 

The Trade Ministry moved out of the NSSF Building, citing a lack of space to conduct its business as Kuria set his eyes on attracting more investments into the country. 

This meant that the Ministry needed a larger office space, informing the decision to lease space on the outskirts of the city. 

At the time, Kuria also noted that the space at the NSSF building was not sufficient for their needs which prompted them to request the Kenya Development Corporation (KDC) to host the Office of the CS and support offices at the office complex. 

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