RAILA sabotages the talks as he refuses to sign the final Bipartisan Talks report unless RUTO does this – Look! BABA just found the leverage he was looking for.


Monday, October 23, 2023 – Azimio leader Raila Odinga is now prepared to sabotage the bipartisan talks if President William Ruto will not address the high cost of living.

Speaking in Kajiado County yesterday, Raila announced he will not sign the final Bipartisan Talks report if the document does not feature a tangible way to address the rising cost of living at the top of its agenda.

He lashed out at the government over the slow pace of the ceasefire talks, holding that the Kenya Kwanza side is insincere, especially since it has refused to admit all matters raised by the opposition.

“No signing of the bipartisan committee report if it doesn’t have a provision for the reduction of the cost of living,” Raila stated in a statement.

”We are holding talks with the government but the first issue must be the cost of living that should come down,” said Raila.

At the same time, Raila maintained that the 2022 elections should be audited and servers opened to scrutinize the results of the presidential election.

He also criticized the government’s new formula for issuing scholarships, saying the process is flawed and does not treat Kenyan learners equally.

While making a stopover in Kitengela Town, Raila further slammed the current government’s tax appetite, saying his coalition will not relent from holding the government accountable.

During the stopover, Azimio leaders took turns condemning the government over the Mavoko demolitions which have hit national headlines over the last two weeks.

Raila asked the government to consider the livelihoods of the people affected by the demolitions.

The Opposition further questioned Parliament’s independence, stating that the Executive has been swaying the National Assembly’s decisions.

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