A young Nairobi lady lectures a pastor who entered a PSV bus and started preaching - The Gen Z generation is fearless (VIDEO).


Friday, May 31, 2024 - A lady confronted a pastor who boarded one of the PSV buses in Nairobi and started preaching, leaving other passengers stunned.

The middle-aged lady said she was fed up with pastors entering PSV vehicles and preaching to commuters without their consent.

“I am fed up and I know this day was coming. Why do you Christians claim autonomy over free speech?” she posed.

“If you try and exercise your free speech anywhere else, everyone bashes you. But pastors feel they can come into peaceful public commutes and preach the word. Why do we not see other religions do this,” she added.

The man of God was left speechless as the lady lectured him.

Most passengers seemed to support the bold lady.

Watch the video. 

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