Corrupt Garissa Governor, NATHIF JAMA ADAM, has reportedly hired an unqualified Somali refugee and pays him Ksh 200,000 per month - DCI and EACC should intervene.

 Friday, May 31, 2024 - A concerned Kenyan has called upon DCI and EACC to investigate how Garissa Governor, Nathif Jama Adam, reportedly employed an unqualified Somali refugee known as Mohamud Dagane alias Timo Cade as an advisor

Mohamud earns a monthly salary of Ksh 200,000 and is notorious for creating conflicts among county leaders and the Governor.

He is registered as a refugee at the Dagahley Refugee Camp in Dabaab.

“Timo is a registered refugee, with his registration held at the Dagahley Refugee Camp in Dadaab. It is alarming that a refugee is earning a substantial salary under such circumstances. This issue raised worries about national security concerns for our country” the concerned Kenyan said.

It’s also suspected that he acquired his Kenyan identity card fraudulently.

Governor Nathif is among the most corrupt and incompetent Governors.

He recently bought a lavish hotel in Kilimani using looted public funds and flew to the United Kingdom to transfer the hotel to a close family to avoid being monitored by EACC.

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